Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Duck Ragu Pasta

There is a wonderful Italian restaurant in town that serves a very popular duck ragu pasta which I love and have always wanted to try and recreate at home.  After searching for all the recipes I could find, I took the best parts of several and made my own version.    I must say, it turned out quite well! 

This is a recipe that requires a little advance planning.  First you need to find some duck leg quarters (with the thigh attached).  We are lucky enough to have a poultry farm store nearby that sells frozen duck legs but if you can't find legs, go ahead and buy a small whole duck and cut it in half. 

If you don't like duck (even people who dislike duck love this ragu), you could use bone-in country-style pork ribs. 

The duck legs are slow roasted in a blend of vegetables, spices and tomato sauce for 1-1/2 to 2 hours in the oven.  The best part of this recipe is the duck legs can be roasted a day ahead and reheated in the sauce the next day. 

When they come out of the braising liquid they are pull-apart tender.  The meat is then shredded and returned the the braising liquid.

I served my duck ragu with pappardelle pasta but use your favorite thick cut pasta.

Top it with some fresh parsley and a generous sprinkle of Grana Padano cheese and start twirling!  This is a wonderful fall and winter comfort-food, pasta. Enjoy!

Since this is my first post of 2020, I'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year from my family to yours!  Cheers to all and here's to a delicious year ahead! (Christmas Day in SE Wisconsin)

Duck Ragu Pasta

Printable Recipe

Note: For those readers who live in the Milwaukee Metro area, I buy my duck legs frozen at Tower Chicken on South 6th Street.  They also sell the best roasting chickens you can find and people line up to buy turkey for Thanksgiving.

Do Ahead:  The duck legs and ragu can be prepared a day ahead and reheated at the time of serving.

Serves 4

The day before, rub duck legs all over with the dry rub.  Don't worry if they are frozen, they will thaw overnight in the refrigerator.

Dry Rub for Duck:

2 duck legs
1 teaspoon brown sugar, packed firmly
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoons black pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne

1/8 cup dried porcini mushrooms
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
2 stalks celery, finely diced
1 medium onion, finely diced
1 medium carrot, finely diced
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup full-bodied red wine
1 cup chicken stock
1 large can whole Italian plum tomatoes in with juice (use the best available)
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper
2 sprigs of thyme
1 small bay leaf

12 ounces dry pappardelle pasa
Grana Padano or other good Parmesan cheese, grated
Chopped fresh parsley for garnish

In a small bowl, combine salt, brown sugar, black pepper, and ground cayenne and rub mixture over duck legs well. Refrigerate 24 hours. Trim legs of excess fat before sautéing.

Soak porcini mushrooms in ¼ cup boiling water for 30 minutes. Mince very finely and return to soaking liquid.

Finely dice celery, onion and carrot and place in a bowl.  Mince garlic and place in small prep bowl.

Place whole plum tomatoes and juice in food processor and process until tomatoes are just broken up. Place in medium bowl.

Heat oven to 325 degrees.

Heat a covered Dutch oven or enameled cast iron roasting pan (such as Le Creuset) over medium-high heat, add oil and then melt in butter. Add duck legs and sauté until nicely browned on both sides, about 5-7 minutes, turning once. Remove legs from pan and reserve. Remove all but the browned bits from the pan and add 1 Tablespoon olive oil.

Add celery, onions, carrots and garlic to pan and cook until lightly brown, about 6 minutes, turning down heat, if necessary.

Add red wine and bring to a boil. Add tomatoes and juice, red pepper and salt and pepper to taste. Stir in thyme sprigs and ½ bay leaf. Return duck legs to pan. Add chicken stock to cover if needed. Cook in oven until legs are very tender, about 1 1/2 hour to 2 hours.

Remove legs from pan and cool. Skim excess fat from top of the braising liquid.

When cool, pull meat from bones, shred with your fingers and return meat to sauce, discarding skin and bones. Add another splash of red wine and cook over medium heat until all ingredients are well blended and thickened slightly, about 10-15 minutes.

Meanwhile, boil pasta according to package directions.  Do not rinse.  Add pasta to duck ragu sauce and toss well.

Serve immediately topped with fresh parsley and grated cheese.  Pass extra cheese at the table.


  1. Nice looking family, Susan! And your duck ragu looks delicious also! It would be a hit here for sure and will be added to my list, thanks! Here's wishing you and family the best in 2020!

    1. Thank you, Pam! It was perfect comfort food on a windy, snowy evening. Thanks so much for the wishes and the very same to you and your family ♥

  2. Susan, Your duck ragu with pasta looks amazing!! Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family! It's so funny, I laughed when I saw your email come in today because I have a duck recipe to make as well! Lol.... and I went out this morning to buy some frozen duck for this new recipe I am trying, so stay tuned!
    Plus, now that I have your recipe for duck ragu, I can try even your recipe as well! Have a great day!
    xo Anna

    1. Thank you, Anna! I can't wait to see your duck recipe. I truly love duck! This recipe did not disappoint and I will be making this again for family and friends. Happy New Year and Happy Cooking!

  3. Such a lovely family!I know I say that toujours but I mean it..♥
    The duck dish looks right up J's alley who scrutinized menus before we ate in France looking for duck dishes..He LOVES duck.
    Thank you for sharing your recipe and the beautiful photos!

    1. Merci bien, my friend ♥ We are both so blessed. It sounds like Jacques and I are peas too when it comes to duck :) We have a French bistro in town where we love to dine and I always look for the duck dishes too ♥

  4. Those winter storms make for good eating! Happy New Year Susan, wishing you all the best in 2020!

    1. They sure do :) Thank you, Lynn! Can't wait to see what goodies you cook up this year!

  5. What a beautiful family! The duck ragu looks so GOOD. Have a wonderful new decade, Susan!

    1. Thank you, Angie! It turned out so well. All the best to you in 2020!

  6. Your family is beautiful, Susan, and you all look like models! The meal sounds like perfect winter time comfort food, and good for the soul. Happy New Year of baking and cooking!

    1. You are so kind, Kitty, thank you. I think we got lucky with that shot and we got very lucky being able to take the photo outside on Christmas day! Here's to a delicious, happy and healthy New Year. xoxo

  7. How exotic. I've never cooked anything with duck before.

  8. What a beautiful family you have, Susan. I've never tried cooking duck either, it looks delicious.

  9. I love everything made with duck legs. Your pasta looks delicious. A happy and healthy 2020 to you and your family.

    1. So do I, Gerlinde! Thank you so much and and happy and healthy (speedy recovery included) to you and yours ♥

  10. What a beautiful family photo to start the New Year off with! You are all so good looking!
    I wish I lived next door, then I could taste all of your dishes! Everything is always so unique and interesting and beautifully presented. They make my mouth water.

    1. We would have so much fun it we lived nearby :) Thank you so much, Jacqueline!

  11. First, Happy News years to you guys as well. What a fantastic family picture. Second, I can totally relate to the project thing as ours are just wrapping up.
    But mostly, what a great recipe. I love duck ragu, but my recipe is quite different than yours, so I excited to try your version.

    1. Thank you, Ron! I would love to know your recipe and how it differs. I'll send you an email :)

  12. I could go either way with duck, and lean away from it, truth be told. But your sauce looks so a-m-a-z-i-n-g! I love the color. In looking over the ingredient list, I'm sure the wine has something to do with it, but I also have a feeling that it is heavily flavored by the duck. I'm really curious to try it.

    1. I think duck is a 'love it or hate it' for a lot of people, just like lamb, although I think duck is much milder tasting than lamb. Personally, I don't care for rare duck breast the way they serve it in restaurants, and will opt for duck legs any day. I fondly remember the first time I ate roasted duck with cherry sauce in a restaurant. Game changer...no pun intended :)

  13. What lovely picture of you and your family Susan!
    This recipe sounds delicious!

    1. Thank you, Gloria ♥ Enjoy you beautiful summer...I am watching the snow fall :(

  14. Duck is such a special occasion treat for my family. So when we serve it, we always enjoy every succulent bite! I've truthfully never had it in a ragu, but it must be especially delicious. Thanks for the inspiration, Susan and also for sharing the photo of your family!
    Hope your new year is going wonderfully,

    1. Roz, you were able to comment here at last! I wonder what you did to make it work? I'd love to tell others :) Thanks so much for stopping by. I love this dish and am making it again this weekend to serve guests.

  15. Susan, what an amazing sauce. I've had duck in restaurants and loved it, but I've never cooked it at home. What a lovely dish to make it for the first time!

    1. One year, I served duck confit and grilled duck breasts for our gourmet group but not everyone loves it as much as I do :) I think this dish, in particular, is something everyone would love. Thank you, Kelly!

  16. Happy New Year to you and your family Susan! Ragu anything is my favorite and I always enjoy it with pasta. This dish is right up my alley!

    1. Thank you, Katerina! Happy New Year to you and your family also. I've now made this twice in January we love it that much :)

  17. Happy New Year!! Now that looks sooooo yummyyy...thankyou for sharing:)))

  18. I have never cooked duck at home, and I am loving the idea of using suck for this pasta dish...super super tasty. Thanks for the recipe Susan...I hope you are having a fabulous week!

    1. I was so super tasted, Juliana, and something I definitely want to make again! Thank you!

  19. This sounds to die for! Manservant loves duck and I try to find simple ways to serve it. Lots of umami in this! What a gorgeous photo of your family. Happy Valentine's Day, Susan!

    1. My hubby and I both love duck too and I'm so happy that the recipe I pieced together tasted similar to our favorite restaurant version. Thanks, Abbe!


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