Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Devilish Chicks!

Looking for a new way to make deviled eggs for Easter? These little peeps might be just looking for - especially if you have children or grandchildren!

Be advised, these are somewhat time-consuming so you may not want to make them for a large party but they are certain to put a smile on everyone's face. They made me smile just making them :)

The chicks' eyes are made from pimento-stuffed olive slices and the 'feet' and 'beak' are made with carrot slices and wedges. Red pepper can also be used for the beak.

Deviled Egg Chicks
Printable Recipe
~also found by clicking here

8 extra-large eggs, hard-boiled
Your favorite recipe for deviled egg filling (I like to use real mayonaisse, salt, pepper and just a sprinkle of celery seed. Some people like to add prepared mustard)
4 pimento stuffed olives, sliced thin
1 carrot for cutting feet and beak or a red bell pepper for beak

Place eggs in saucepan of cold water.
Bring to a boil over med-high heat, STIRRING GENTLY AND CONSTANTLY, *this keeps the yolks in the center.
Boil and gently stir for 2 minutes.
Place on tight fitting lid and turn off heat.
Let sit for 25 minutes.
Carefully put eggs into bowl of ice water. Let sit for 5-10 minutes.

Carefully peel eggs, rinse with cold water, place on paper towelling. Cut a thin slice off bottom of each egg so they stand up. With a paring knife, cut top third of egg off in a zig-zag patter and carefully remove tops. Scoop out the yolks. You may need to use your paring knife to break up yolks inside to get them out without breaking the white.

Place yolks in a mixing bowl and mash with a fork or pastry cutter and add enough mayonaisse (as you like) to combine. Add salt and pepper to taste and mustard or celery seed, if desired.

Overfill bottom egg white "shell" with filling, place top "shell" on carefully pressing very gently. Place two olive slices for "eyes", pressing them into the filling gently.

Push 2 triangles of carrot or red pepper into filling to make beak. I also cut 'feet' from a thin slice of carrot by cutting out several triangle shapes from the circle of carrot.

You may want to boil a few extra eggs for this, in case some of them don't peel well or get wrecked and to insure that you will have plenty of filling!


La Table De Nana said...

Oh Nana2B..Winner peeps here:) Trop cute!
I bet you had fun..Their faces are so adorable!!!

Carol said...

Those are the cutest! I love those chicks, but they look adorable, not so devilish :)

Zoe Francois said...

those are the cutest things I've ever seen! i have to make them for my kids!

nooschi said...

That is so creative...I love them!

Debbie@Mountain Breaths said...

They are such cuties Susan! It would make me sad to take a bite of one :-)

Cathy said...

Oh, I love these devilish little chicks. Too adorable for words.

Foley said...

Susan, those are just too cute! My sis is in charge of deviled eggs for Easter so I will pass this on to her!

All About Food said...

Oh, these little chicks are darling. I found the photo at Tastespotting, which led me to your blog. Love it! The photos are wonderful.
I'll be following you.

A Grain of Salt said...

Susan, those have got to be the most adorable eggs I've ever seen! You have a lot of patience.

the decorated cookie said...

Too hilarious! Very cute. I posted a link on my edible crafts column at ( Hope that's OK and it brings you even more clicks! Thanks for sharing!

Suzy said...

These are sooo precious!!!!! I love them. I WILL try at least one of these with my easter eggs. Thanks for sharing with us!!!!

Kathleen said...

Those are just too cute! I would love to try them for Sunday...
Very creative!

Ciao Chow Linda said...

These are sooo funny. I'm planning on deviled eggs for Easter Monday and I may have to try some like yours.

Cynthia said...

Susan, sorry to be redundant, but the chicks are adorable ... too cute.

I know any little child (or a child at heart) would love these.

Thank you for the recipe and your wonderful photos.

(These are just as cute as the olive penguins.)

scoochmaroo said...

So cute!!!!
I think they would be a great addition to Have you ever visited there? If you wanted to post this as an instructable, I would make sure it gets featured on the front page, and drives traffic back to your site!
Let me know what you think!


Karynefoodaddict said...

So cute!

RecipeGirl said...

These are simply the cutest little appetizers I've seen in a long time!

Virginie M. said...

Oh, those are SO cute! What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Very cute!! Hope you don't mind if I take off from the chicks--I'm going to try my grandkids' faves--an alligator, bunny and frog.
Thanks for a great idea!!!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Thank you all for your very kind comments! I hope those of you who try them enjoy some smiles too :)

Tom said...

Just saw these on amazon's blog. Possible new presentation idea: little red devil horns from bell peppers. Make them look ... devilicious! (sorry)

The Food Hunter said...

These eggs are beyond cute! What a great idea.

Carla said...

These are so darling! I will be making these for Easter this year.

Bo said...

Lol! So cute!

Decoration de la Maison said...

I luved it :D
I even made a direct link to this post from my blog, right on the "tip of the day".

Anonymous said...

These are just so darn cute!

Terry said...

I shared on FB and twitter with links back to you. My readers all have lots of eggs... there are going to be parades of marching owls.
Terry at

Unknown said...

Trop trop mignon !!!! je craque et je vais traduire en français pour faire ces petits poussins * MarieLaure *

Selena Ze Arteest said...

they look so cute :)

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Thank you Terry!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Merci, Marie Laure!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Thank you, Selena!

Unknown said...

I've just discovered these through Spanish site Pequerecetas, they are fantastic! I will attempt them at some point.

Anca said...

I always make devilled eggs for Easter, but never thought of making chicks. I might give it a try this Easter, because these look amazing!