Friday, January 30, 2009

Fried Parsnip Garnish for Salad

Looking for a new, delicious way to garnish your salad?Try fried parsnips! They add a wonderful, slightly sweet crunch to any salad. A perfect alternative for anyone who can't eat nuts.

My husband and I were very recently introduced to this wonderful salad garnish by our son-in-law who is a chef.

Fried Parsnips:

With a potato peeler, peel a parsnip root as you could a carrot. Then, using the peeler, and with a little additional pressure, peel the parsnip into wide strips from bottom to top.

Place the strips (which should be about 1 inch or so wide at the base to perhaps a half inch at the top) in a stack. Take a sharp chef's knife and cut them on the bias into julienne strips about 1/8 inch wide. Toss the strips with a little flour, just enough to coat, add a little salt and pepper.

Fry them in a very small sauce pan with about a half inch of canola oil preheated over medium-high heat.
Add them in small batches so you don't over-crowd. Fry they turn a light golden brown and drain on paper toweling. Use immediately or, you can prepare them ahead and reheat in a warm oven.


Debbie@Mountain Breaths said...

Great new idea! I might also try putting a few on my soup.

La Table De Nana said...

Keepers:) And I like your new clock.. You decorate beautifully:)

Kathleen said...

That is a great idea!
Nice and colorful, too!

a quiet life said...

thanks for sharing the how to's~

Cynthia said...

Susan, your salad is so enticing ... I remember when you first mentioned the friend parsnip.

You photos are fabulous. ... I love the close-up.

And the clock is adorable.

Carol said...

Looks great! Parsnip is a new favorite!

Marsha said...

I must have missed this post earlier but wanted to pop in and say what a wonderful idea this is! I look forward to trying it sometime. Does the chef mind you giving away his secrets :-)

Karen @ Mignardise said...

Susan, your blog is beautiful! Love the colors and your photography is wonderful!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Thanks everyone! I can't stop making them for our salads now!