Friday, February 12, 2021

Madeleines à la Monique


It's always so exciting to try a recipe that turns out just as you had hoped it would!  This is the first time I have made perfect Madeleines, that is, Madeleines with the high 'bump' in the middle which means you have arrived at the pinnacle of perfect Madeleine baking.  Madeleines are simple little cakes and you probably have all the ingredients in your home right now.  

Last fall, my friend Monique, at La Table De Nana, shared the perfect Madeleine recipe along with links that detailed the proper way to make them. There were so many suggestions on the proper oven temperature from many famous chefs!  Which one to try?  I had to confess, the first batch I almost burned, but try, try again, and I found the best temperature for my oven! 

Tip number one, I found out, is to prepare the dough the day before and refrigerate it for at least 12 hours.  

Tip number two is to brush melted butter in each cavity of your pan and then refrigerate until the butter has solidified.  

Tip number 3... after filling the each cavity of the pan 3/4 full, refrigerate for at least 15 minutes while the oven is preheating. 

Tip number 4, bake them first at high heat and then reduce the heat for rest of the baking time. This 'cold dough/hot oven' technique will assure a cripsy crust around the edges and the the perfect 'bump' on the top of each Madeleine.  

I loved them without any powdered sugar or extra sweetness but Monique also shared a link on how to coat one side with melted chocolate.  I'm going to try that next time!

No Madeleine pan? No problem! You can use a mini muffin tin.  Just fill whatever cavity you use 3/4 full. My Madeleine pan is a metal, non stick pan similar to this one, but it's still important to brush the inside of each cavity with melted butter to get the nice browned edges and bottom. Madeleines are perfect with a cup of tea or any time of day snack.  I enjoyed mine with my new favorite Rishi Tea's Hibiscus and Blueberry tea...I local company I like to support.  

Wishing all of you Lovelies a Very Happy Valentine's Day! 

Madeleines à la Monique

Note:  Yesterday when I first published this the 120 grams of flour was listed twice.  I've since edited the recipe.  

This recipe yields approximately 1-1/2 dozen Madeleines,

2 small eggs, weighed in grams. If eggs weigh 120 grams then use…
120 grams of sugar (I reduced that slightly)
120 grams of flour
120 grams of butter, melted
1 tsp honey
½ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
1-1/2 teaspoons orange zest (or lemon) or sub vanilla.  I used dried orange peel.

Grate the zest one organic lemon or orange, if using.  In a small bowl mix the zest of the two lemons with the sugar. In other bowl, sift the flour and the baking powder. In a small saucepan melt the butter.

Beat the eggs together with the lemon zest, sugar and the honey until the mix becomes a bit foamy. Next add the flour-baking powder mix and whisk. Finally add the melted butter and mix until well incorporated.

Refrigerate overnight or at least 12 hours with plastic wrap touching the top of the dough so it doesn't dry out.

The next day, melt a small pat of  butter and, with a pastry brush, brush the insides of the Madeleine molds. Place the molds in the refrigerator for 15 min until the butter firms. Sprinkle flour and remove the excess (only for non stick pans).  Fill molds to ¾ full with a heaping tbsp of dough. Spread out dough in molds using the pastry brush to gently tap dough into mold.  Refrigerate again while oven is preheating, at least 15 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 420 F).  Bake them for 3 minutes and reduce heat to 320 F and bake for another 4 minutes.  Timing will depend on your individual oven.  Check often during last few minutes.  Madeleines should not be shiny on top with a nice ‘bump’ and be golden with browned edges.  Let the Madeleine’s cool before removing them from the mold.

Leave plain or dust with confectioners sugar or dip in melted chocolate. 

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  1. Madeleines are a huge favourite! Yours turned out really perfect with those distinctive gorgeous humps. Well done, Susan.

    1. Thank you, Angie! It was so satisfying to get that bump :)

  2. Susanthey are beautiful and your pics are wow!
    You explained everything perfectly and one need not go any further to be able to make the quintessential Madeleine with the bumb!
    Pea..I have pink tulips🙂

    1. Thank you, Monique, and thank you for sharing the method you learned! Thank goodness the tulips have arrived in stores again. A small taste of spring to come! ♥

  3. I have the mold but I have never tried to make medeleines, this recipe and above all the advice made me want to try, thanks dear Susan! A warm hug from a cold and windy Trieste

    1. You're welcome, Chiara! It's wonderful to share proven recipes. I hope you noticed my typo in the recipe. The 120 grams of flour was accidently listed twice. I've now fixed that. So cold and snowing here. It's been a harsh February so far. Sending warm thoughts, Dear. xoxo

  4. Oh they look fabulous!!! Wish I had a few with a nice cuppa right now:@) Happy Valentine's Weekend Susan-enjoy!

    1. Thank you, Lynn! Wishing you a sweet Valentine's Day too! ♥

  5. Presentation is perfect! Looks fingerlickingly delicious. Thank you for sharing

  6. Happy Valentine’s Day, Susan! ❤️ Being the kitchen baking affect that I am, I do have the Madeleine pan, and will try your tips that you so kindly shared from Monique. Yours look exceptional! I must say that your tea cozy is making my heart go pitter patter! 💕

    1. Thank you, Kitty, and a very Happy Valentine's Day to you too! I hope you give this a try. The tea cozy was a gift from Monique a few years ago. She found someone who knits them. ♥

  7. Susan, your Madeleines do look perfect. I tried once to make them but mine were bumpless. Now I know why. I love your tea pot warmer...

    1. I never knew about the bump until recently :) I does make a lighter texture in the middle. Thank you, Ron!

  8. One of my favorite cookies - I do like my cookies to come with literary references - and yours are beautiful. Well done!

    1. Thank you very much, Amalia! I was a fun learning experiment for me.

  9. Oh my Susan, your Madeleines sure are perfect! I've never attempted to make them at home either and you've given me hope to try. And I love the black and white knit tea cozy. Hope your Valentine's Day was filled with love!

    1. Thanks so much, Roz! It was a very quiet Valentine's Day as is much of our life right now :) Thank goodness hope is on the horizon.

  10. Kudos on the Madeleines! I still remember that knit tea cozy from M. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day Susan.

    1. Thank you, Debbie! It was a struggle not to eat them all myself :)

  11. If I had seen all your tips years ago, I probably wouldn't have given my Madeleine baking tray away, Leave it to Monique to come up with the proper recipe,

    1. I hadn't had mine out of storage for quite a few years and it took me over an hour to find it :) So worth the effort...thank you, Karen!

  12. Look delicious Susan I love madeleines !! xoxox

  13. They look great, Susan, and I can imagine how delicious they are! I've never tried making them but want to now. You made perfect Madeleines with the bump! The tulips are gorgeous, a dose of Springtime!

    1. Leave it to Monique to find the right way to make this very French recipe :) They are delicious...tender and buttery.

  14. The madeleines looks perfect! So good!

  15. These are so gorgeous! I'm so excited to try this recipe. Love that bump!

    1. Thanks so much, Kelly! I was pretty impressed with myself :)

  16. I can't believe I've never had a madeleine.

    1. My husband loved them. Perfect little hand-sized cakelettes :)

  17. I heard is your birthday is it true Happy birthday dear Susan!

    1. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, Dear Gloria!! ♥

  18. Yum, I like to bake them, but I haven't baked them in a while, thank you for the reminder, they look so good!

    1. Thank you, Natalia! It had been a long while since I had baked them too. So glad I did!

  19. Wow! They look perfect and love that they have orange in them. So good!
    It has been a while since I baked madeleines and your post is a great reminder that I should do that soon :)

    1. Thank you, Taruna! They are just the right size for a small treat :)

  20. They really came out beautiful and I love all your kettle cover is adorable.


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